Group leaders and Span of Care Owners have the ability to modify the "joined date" for their group members. The Group Type (set up in Fellowship One) must be configured to allow the leaders to edit a member's record. The change "join date" feature has been added so attendance can be posted for a group member's initial attendance.
NOTE: Only Group Leaders and Span of Care Owners can edit the Group Member Joined Date, however the date IS changed in Fellowship One.
Log in to InFellowship and find the Group you want to post attendance for. Click on the Roster for the Group
To change the date
Tip! This action allows the group leader or Span of Care Owner to post attendance for the member from the very first time they attend a group meeting.
Tip! Joined date can be changed as far back as the group's created date if necessary.
Once the Joined date as been changed, attendance for the group member can be posted in InFellowship.
Next, see InFellowship Groups Attendance at a Glance. for steps on posting attendance.